Challenge EDI Founder
and Lead Consultant

Femi Otitoju
Standing up for Equality for 40 years
From firefighters to volunteers, moguls to Ministers, Femi Otitoju has inspired them all. Widely acknowledged as among the UK's leading EDI practitioners, Femi began as an LGBTQ+ campaigner in the 1980s, then started Challenge in 1985, delivering change mostly to the public-sector , NGOs and educational organisations.
These days big-business also recognise (and measure) the value of diversity & inclusion in the workforce and Femi heads up a talented panel of expert, highly experienced Consultants and Trainers.
Femi still trains some days but spends much of her time giving keynote speeches or delivering change by way of mediation, coaching and strategy work at Board level in every type of organisation from Global Multinationals to Universities, Parliaments and Charities of every size.
For clients Femi has written bespoke training films on Harassment and Equality and wrote the acclaimed e-Learning programme “Same Difference”. The UK Passport Office was the first of many organisations to use this as part of their induction programme for new staff. Her highly popular film based resources Fair’s Fair and Talk to me are distributed globally by Video Arts.